About Me

Hey, I’m Aiden. I’m a recent graduate with a Graphic Design BFA from Buffalo State University. I’m from Buffalo, NY. I have an intense passion for games and the stories that can be told through them, and ultimately want to be able to find work somewhere in the gaming industry. Whether that is in working on tabletop games, video games, or creating games all of my own. I’m interested in both 3D modeling and 2D art; including the creation of textures and materials for my 3D art.


  • Adobe Suite
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
    • Indesign
    • Adobe Acrobat
    • After Effects
    • Premier Pro
    • Lightroom
  • Web Design
    • HTML 5 & CSS 3
    • WordPress
    • Figma
  • Other Modeling and Graphics Software
    • Blender
    • Rhino
    • Keyshot
    • Gimp
    • Piskel
    • Krita